Care Boxes From Home
O.k settled into work a bit more now and the kids are back at school (although the have shared the wonderful flu with me) but will be keeping a better up to date website, please feel free to use the forums and check the craft corner for updates, I hve some information on it about Mother's Day cards
Well the website has been up just over a week now and had alot of hits, please feel free to leave a comment, even better visit the forum area and start a topic
Thanks for coming to visit our site, please feel free to leave a comment and let us know what you think

    Care Boxes From Home

    This start off as a family project and has grown to
     "Care Boxes From Home"
    with sending care boxes and Cardmakers making cards for troops to write home
    If you would like to help then please just drop us an email.


    March 2010
    November 2009



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